
  • China-led international standard for functional safety of new energy vehicle energy storage systems officially released

    September 4, 2023

    一、標準的內容與特點 近年來,隨著新能源汽車技術在電動化、智能化和網聯化方向的快速發展,功能安全和標準化工作成為了行業內外關注的熱點。特別是涉及到動力電池和其他儲能系統,這些核心組件的安全性直接影響到整車和乘客的安全。這就是中國...

  • Interpretation of the EU's new battery regulation (EU 2023/1542): Impact and response strategies

    August 24, 2023

    Recently, the European Union officially released a new battery regulation (EU 2023/1542), which not only marks the replacement and revision of the old battery directive 2006/66/EC, but also means that the EU has higher requirements and stricter supervision on battery management. At the same time, the official release date of the new regulation is 2023-7-28, and the effective date is 2023-8-17. Although its specific implementation time has yet to be determined by the European Union...

  • German solar photovoltaic module import process and precautions

    August 21, 2023

    想知道一批從德國出發、目的地為陜西的太陽能光伏組件在"旅途"中都遇到了哪些刺激、有趣和需要頭腦風暴的情況嗎?跟隨我們走進這次"大動作"的進口歷程,體驗一次充滿挑戰與樂趣的跨國運輸之旅! 1、客戶需求與物流方案選擇 本年6月,某客戶選擇...

  • Photovoltaic equipment export agent process and precautions

    August 8, 2023

    隨著可再生能源的興起,光伏設備市場需求持續增長。出口光伏設備成為許多制造商和代理商的新機遇,但這一過程中的流程和細節需求仍需深入了解。 一、前期準備 ? 市場研究:對目標出口國家進行深入的市場研究,了解當地的市場需求、技術標準和進...

  • Shanghai's exports of new energy vehicles will usher in a boom in the first quarter of 2023!


    據報道,2023年5月2日,上海外高橋港區海通碼頭迎來了一艘船長為176米的大型汽車滾裝船“長泰鴻”號。 碼頭前沿排起長隊的新能源汽車在司機的駕駛下“魚貫而入”,將從上海走向全球。當天,海通碼頭共有四艘外貿船舶靠岸,共出口5700輛汽車,出口往墨...

  • The U.S. Senate passed a resolution to cancel Southeast Asia's photovoltaic tariff exemption


    據彭博社5月4日報道,美國參議院以56票對41票通過了一項決議,旨在取消東南亞光伏面板的關稅豁免。如果該決議最終被白宮批準,從東南亞進口的太陽能板關稅可能高達254%。目前受影響的進口產品的關稅都在兩位數以下。 這項決議的通過將影響包括越南、馬...

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