
  • Details and precautions for importing and exporting handbags

    March 1, 2024

    This article will explain the customs codes, declaration elements, procedures, precautions and marketing strategies during the import and export of handbags to successfully expand into the global market.

  • Necessary standards and special requirements for exporting new clothes

    February 18, 2024

    Explain in detail the general and special requirements for the export of new clothing, provide the safety, quality standards and customs reminders that companies must know, and help smooth customs clearance.

  • A complete guide to importing clothing into Canada: key steps and professional services

    January 30, 2024

    A detailed introduction to the process of importing clothing from Canada, covering customs registration, logistics coordination, customs declaration and inspection, as well as tax processing, to help customers successfully expand into the domestic market.

  • Clothing export procedures and tax refund guide

    November 8, 2023

    The entire process and necessary procedures for clothing export are explained in detail, including contract signing, stock preparation, inspection, customs declaration, and the final settlement and tax refund steps.

  • The narrowing decline in China's clothing exports indicates market adjustments, and emerging markets have become a bright spot for growth

    November 6, 2023

    This article reports on the latest developments in China's clothing exports in the face of global economic pressure, including a narrowing of export declines, changes in product structure, and market adjustments.

  • Italy's clothing industry hit by climate change, inflation

    October 31, 2023

    Italy's clothing industry is facing the dual challenges of climate change and inflation, and the Fismo-Confesercenti association has proposed postponing the winter sales season by one month to alleviate the problem.

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